Wednesday, August 29, 2012

This IS the Snooze Button I'm Looking For

As some people may know, I have seen Star Wars. As a result, I tend to occssionaly glance at something Star Wars related now and then.

I think what I found today would be quite the educational tool that I could offer to my children as they come to that magical point in their lives when their brains are developed enough to start learning how to read, write, count, fly and yes even tell time.

Right now you may be asking yourself "Who is he kidding?".

Well I'm kidding YOU.

Look at this thing! It's pure awesomeness! Just when you think the Japanese couldn't possibly build anything cooler they toss this at us. Just looking at this tiny marvel brings to mind all the future adventures we will have together at 7 minute intervals between 6 and 7:15 AM Monday to Friday excluding holidays. He'd wake me up with some sort of whimsical whistling and beeping and I'd leap out of bed and chase him around the room, trying to catch him and pat him on the head to tame the tiny droid. Then I'd immediately dart under the covers to grab what few precious minutes of sleep that I could before having to repeat the process as many times as required until I was either sufficiently awake or almost late for work. The wife will no doubt love every second of it!

Check it out here via Amazon.

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